Thursday, February 7, 2013

Going Green, to save some green! Step One

Okay so I am all for going green and being environmentally friendly, I recycle  I reuse, but any one who knows me knows I have never gone too far beyond that.  Just not my lifestyle.  Call it a change of heart, call it growing up, or just chalk it up to being more educated, but I have come to realize that going green can have way more benefits than just the environment.  And being the secretly selfish person that I am (lets be real, we're all a little selfish, right?  RIGHT?  Oh...), I have also realized that there are some serious monetary benefits for me and my family.  And in this economy an accidental stay at home mom can use all the extra cash she can get.

Step One:

Cloth Diapers.  That's right everyone, I said it, cloth dipes.  Raise your hand if you think I am nuts (oh look, I raised mine too!).  What you need to know is, these days, these are not your momma's (or grandmomma's) cloth diapers.  I say cloth diapers and most people think those little gerber cloths we use for burp rags, diaper pins, and plastic pants.  These have gone the way of Ferbies, Doug, and Hostess, all once beloved, but alas, have been replaced.  Thanks to my beautiful friend Megan (hey when  you're done here go check our her blog!) I have been shown the error of my ways.  Yes there are still prefolds (those burp rags) and covers (sans pins though, Hallelujah), but now there more options.  Pockets, Fitteds, All in Ones (or Twos), Snaps, Aplix, the list goes on!

So here I sit, I have officially purchased 20 cloth diapers, enough to start my rotation. I am just waiting for the last few to come in the mail. Fluff mail is the best, I get so giddy, when my diapers show up! Once they are all here the adventure can begin! Wish us luck, and say a prayer!

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